A compilation of questions frequently asked to our support team. If you still have a question, do not hesitate to join our support server and ask.

How do I add this bot to my server?

Please view our Getting Started page for information on how to invite BitBot to your server, and perform basic configuration.

Getting Started

I have added the bot, but some or all users can not see any commands in the slash menu.

In order for members of a server to use slash commands (otherwise known as application commands), they must have the Use Application Commands permission. We recommend enabling this permission for the everyone role so that all your users can use our commands.

How can I set a channel to receive news from the bot?

To set a channel for BitBot to send the latest cryptocurrency news, you must use the news configure command. View the documentation:

news configure

I have set a news channel, alert, or follow; however it is not sending anything.

Discord bot users function similarly to all other users on Discord. They must have permissions to send messages in any given channel in order to send news, alerts, or prices. Please check if the bot has all necessary permissions to do so.

How do I add the ticker bots on the side?

BitBot provides a variety of bots which mirror cryptocurrency prices to create a ticker look on your discord server. Invite links for these bots can be found at https://bitbot.tools/tickers.

Can I have more than five alerts or follows?

Yes! As of January 2022, we offer subscription plans that allow you to increase alert/follow capacity in a server past five. https://bitbot.tools/premium


How do I delete an alert/follow?

To delete an alert or a follow configuration, open the alert/follow manager, select the alert you want to delete from the dropdown, and click on the delete button.

alerts managefollows manage

Last updated