Getting Started
Everything from inviting BitBot to your server to configuring our most popular features.
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Everything from inviting BitBot to your server to configuring our most popular features.
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Adding a bot to your server requires the Manage Server permission
BitBot Invite Link:
BitBot uses slash commands. Type /
and click on the BitBot logo to get started running our commands (tip - start by running /help
Now that BitBot is installed and configured in your server, here are some things to do to customize your server experience.
Additionally, server configurations can be made through our web dashboard:
BitBot allows you to designate a channel where the latest news in cryptocurrency will be delivered
BitBot allows you to create alerts in your server for when a cryptocurrency reaches certain prices. You can use the alert manager to add, show, or delete these alert configurations.
BitBot allows you to designate a channel where updated on a crypto price will be periodically posted. You can use the follow manager to add, show, or delete these configurations.
We understand that configuring and using Discord bots is not easy. Join our support server to get all your questions answered and suggestions heard: